
Bench Sanders

From DT Online

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Bench Sanders or Combined Belt and Disc Sanders are a useful addition to a workshop. They can be used for fast material removal or fine finishing of wood and many plastics, depending on the grade and type of abrasive belt used. Similar machines for finishing and polishing metals are known as Linishers.

Abrasive belts are commonly available in grit sizes from 60 (coarse) to 120 (fine). The grit size numbers are common to most abrasives and relate to the size of mesh used to sieve abrasive particles - the higher the number, the more there are per inch and so the finer the grit

The disc is used mainly for sanding and shaping end grain. The angle of the belt sander can often be adjusted between the horizontal and vertical positions.

Safety Point! All workshop machines can be dangerous - do not use any machine until you have been trained to do so. Wear eye protection. Sanding dust can be harmful so avoid inhalation by providing dust extraction and/or using a face mask.