Uploads by DT Online
This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
14:04, 16 October 2014 | Title.gif (file) | 37 KB | D&T Online | 1 | |
09:40, 17 October 2014 | UsingCopingSaw.jpg (file) | 22 KB | Using a coping saw woth work held in a wood vice | 1 | |
10:04, 17 October 2014 | FrameSaws.jpg (file) | 15 KB | Different types of framesaws | 1 | |
11:15, 18 October 2014 | ChopSaws.jpg (file) | 65 KB | Chop saws | 1 | |
11:16, 18 October 2014 | Hacksaws.jpg (file) | 41 KB | Hacksaws | 1 | |
11:17, 18 October 2014 | Piercing Saw.jpg (file) | 26 KB | Piercing saw | 1 | |
11:17, 18 October 2014 | UsingHacksaw.jpg (file) | 43 KB | Using a Hacksaw | 1 | |
11:18, 18 October 2014 | UsingPiercingSaw.jpg (file) | 37 KB | Using a Piercing saw | 1 | |
11:20, 18 October 2014 | CuttingDovetails.jpg (file) | 21 KB | Cutting dovetails with a tenon saw | 1 | |
11:21, 18 October 2014 | CuttingTenons.jpg (file) | 48 KB | Cutting tenons with a tenon saw | 1 | |
11:24, 18 October 2014 | Kerf.jpg (file) | 24 KB | Illustration of a saw kerf | 1 | |
11:24, 18 October 2014 | MitreBlocks.jpg (file) | 43 KB | Types of mitre blocks or boxes | 1 | |
11:26, 18 October 2014 | RipsawSharpening2.jpg (file) | 43 KB | Sharpening a ripsaw | 1 | |
11:26, 18 October 2014 | Scroll Saw.jpg (file) | 16 KB | Scroll saw | 1 | |
11:28, 18 October 2014 | TeethPerInch.jpg (file) | 15 KB | Illustration of Teeth per Inch (TPI) and Points per Inch (PPI) | 1 | |
11:29, 18 October 2014 | UsingBenchHooks.jpg (file) | 28 KB | Using a bench hook | 1 | |
11:30, 18 October 2014 | UsingBowsaw.jpg (file) | 43 KB | Using a bowsaw | 1 | |
11:30, 18 October 2014 | UsingFretSaw.jpg (file) | 15 KB | Using a fretsaw | 1 | |
11:31, 18 October 2014 | XcutSharpening.jpg (file) | 45 KB | Sharpening crosscut saw teeth | 1 | |
16:47, 18 October 2014 | V Board.jpg (file) | 35 KB | V Boards in use | 1 | |
17:06, 18 October 2014 | Glossary.png (file) | 77 KB | Glossary icon | 1 | |
16:52, 19 October 2014 | Circular Saw.jpg (file) | 17 KB | Circular Saw | 1 | |
16:53, 19 October 2014 | MachineHacksaw.jpg (file) | 24 KB | Machine Hacksaw | 1 | |
16:54, 19 October 2014 | RadialArmSaw.jpg (file) | 21 KB | Radial Arm Saw | 1 | |
17:25, 22 October 2014 | MitreSaw.jpg (file) | 32 KB | Mitre Saw | 1 | |
12:19, 23 October 2014 | PowerShearNibbler.jpg (file) | 25 KB | Power Shear and Nibbler | 1 | |
12:37, 23 October 2014 | ScissorsGroup.jpg (file) | 58 KB | Scissors | 1 | |
17:25, 23 October 2014 | TinsnipsGroup2.jpg (file) | 21 KB | Tinsnips | 1 | |
17:39, 23 October 2014 | ShearsGuillotines.jpg (file) | 59 KB | Bench Shears and Guillotines | 1 | |
17:50, 26 October 2014 | PillarDrillDrumSander.jpg (file) | 59 KB | Pillar Drill drum sanding attachment and Drum Sander | 1 | |
18:11, 26 October 2014 | Sanders.jpg (file) | 52 KB | Sanders | 1 | |
18:41, 26 October 2014 | DiscSander.jpg (file) | 21 KB | Disc Sander | 1 | |
18:46, 26 October 2014 | Abrasives.jpg (file) | 28 KB | Abrasives | 1 | |
08:20, 27 October 2014 | Glasspaper.jpg (file) | 86 KB | Glasspapers | 1 | |
08:20, 27 October 2014 | EmeryCloth.jpg (file) | 77 KB | Emery Cloths | 1 | |
08:21, 27 October 2014 | WetDryPaper.jpg (file) | 23 KB | Wet or Dry Papers | 1 | |
08:23, 27 October 2014 | BenchSander.jpg (file) | 28 KB | Bench Sander | 1 | |
08:24, 27 October 2014 | Hand tools makita belt sander.png (file) | 82 KB | Portable Belt Sander | 1 | |
09:30, 27 October 2014 | AngleGrinderAttachments.jpg (file) | 21 KB | Angle Grinder and Attachments | 1 | |
09:56, 27 October 2014 | Files.jpg (file) | 17 KB | Types of file | 1 | |
12:45, 27 October 2014 | MetalVices.jpg (file) | 23 KB | Engineers' Vice | 1 | |
12:51, 27 October 2014 | WoodVices.jpg (file) | 28 KB | Carpenters' Vice | 1 | |
12:52, 27 October 2014 | HandVice.jpg (file) | 11 KB | Hand Vice | 1 | |
12:52, 27 October 2014 | Machine Vice.jpg (file) | 14 KB | Machine Vice | 1 | |
22:48, 27 October 2014 | PaperSizes.jpg (file) | 24 KB | Paper Sizes | 1 | |
08:31, 28 October 2014 | AdhesiveTapes.jpg (file) | 22 KB | Adhesive Tapes | 1 | |
08:34, 28 October 2014 | SolventGlue.jpg (file) | 41 KB | Solvent Glues | 1 | |
08:35, 28 October 2014 | WashableAdhesive.jpg (file) | 38 KB | Washable Adhesives | 1 | |
08:36, 28 October 2014 | HotGlues.jpg (file) | 45 KB | Hot Glues | 1 | |
11:31, 28 October 2014 | GraphicAir.jpg (file) | 25 KB | Air Filtration Cabinet | 1 |