

From DT Online



Traditional Handscrews are were made entirely of wood, with Beech jaws and Hornbeam screwthreads. Later models have metal screwthreads. They are available in opening sizes from 50mm to 400mm.

Features and Applications

Handscrews are used for similar tasks to a G Cramp or Bar Clamp and they have generally been replaced by them.

DT Online Buyers' Guide
Record Sash Cramps Record Sash Cramp Lengthening Bars Record Cramp Heads Heavy Duty G Cramps Deep Throat G Cramps Edging Cramps Quick-Grip Mini Bar Clamps Corner Clamps Spring Clamp Set Wooden Hand Screw Clamp
Record Sash Cramps Record Sash Cramp Lengthening Bars Record Cramp Heads Heavy Duty G Cramps Deep Throat G Cramps Edging Cramps Quick-Grip Mini Bar Clamps Corner Clamps Spring Clamp Set Wooden Hand Screw Clamp