
Hollowing Block

From DT Online



Hollowing Blocks can be made by carving or turning concave depressions into end grain of a suitable close-grained Hardwood to create a hollow into which sheet metal can be formed with a Bossing Mallet or Blocking Hammer for example.

Features and Uses

Hollowing Blocks are often self-made as required but can also be purchased.

A similar block when Blacksmithing for example, can be made by placing a short length of suitable diameter steel tubing over an inverted convex punch (e.g. a Stake perhaps), and pouring in molten Lead to create the block.

DT Online Buyers' Guide
Jewellers Leather Sandbag Bossing Mallet Rawhide Mallet Jewellers Hammers Repoussé and Chasing Punches Panel Beating Tools Set Doming Block and Punches
Jewellers Leather Sandbag Bossing Mallet Rawhide Mallet Jewellers Hammers Repoussé and Chasing Punches Panel Beating Tools Set Doming Block and Punches