Category:Wood Joints
From DT Online
Many of the various Woodworking Joints used today have developed over time but modern materials and tools have resulted in some additions. In general, Woodworking Joints may be classified as:
- Lengthening Joints
- Widening Joints
- Framing Joints
- Carcass (or Box) Joints.
There is a very comprehensive description of all wood joints in EBook of Woodwork Joints, by William Fairham available free from Project Gutenburg. The book is an old one and perhaps of greatest interest to Antique Restorers - but traditional woodwork joints have not changed very much in hundreds of years!
Woodworking Joints from Western traditions can be supplemented also by woodworking methods from other cultures (e.g. Chinese and Japanese tools and techniques)
Pages in category "Wood Joints"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
Media in category "Wood Joints"
The following 93 files are in this category, out of 93 total.
- 15to1ScarfJoint.png 1,113 × 510; 67 KB
- BarefacedLongShort.png 236 × 321; 53 KB
- BiscuitJointedTee.png 687 × 447; 196 KB
- BiscuitJoints.png 1,521 × 344; 139 KB
- BiscuitWideningJoint.png 637 × 438; 254 KB
- BridleJointChisellingWaste.png 907 × 474; 301 KB
- BridleJointMarkingOut.png 1,297 × 383; 69 KB
- BridleJointMortising.png 708 × 600; 237 KB
- BridleJointRouterUse.png 500 × 376; 39 KB
- BridleJoints.png 643 × 341; 51 KB
- BridleJointSawingShoulders.png 838 × 346; 48 KB
- BridleJointVariations.png 1,034 × 484; 275 KB
- ButtJointCorrugatedFasteners.png 945 × 331; 57 KB
- ButtJointNailedScrewed.png 389 × 313; 104 KB
- ButtJointReinforcement.png 2,201 × 509; 178 KB
- ButtJoints.png 1,336 × 417; 112 KB
- ButtTeeScrewed.png 988 × 353; 67 KB
- CombJoint.png 574 × 356; 197 KB
- CornerLapBoxes.png 752 × 391; 37 KB
- CornerLapBullnose.png 566 × 334; 188 KB
- CornerLapChiselling2.png 476 × 335; 140 KB
- CornerLapCuttingSawGuide.png 794 × 489; 44 KB
- CornerLapCuttingShoulder.png 796 × 503; 60 KB
- CornerLapMainImage.png 828 × 624; 82 KB
- CornerLapParing.png 694 × 587; 51 KB
- CornerLapRouter.png 490 × 418; 52 KB
- CornerLapSawingShoulder.png 715 × 319; 52 KB
- CornerLapScribing.png 770 × 558; 76 KB
- CuttingDovetailHousing.png 1,109 × 600; 92 KB
- CuttingHaunch.png 936 × 333; 93 KB
- CuttingMortise.png 500 × 400; 35 KB
- DovetailJoints.png 652 × 410; 223 KB
- DovetailMarkingOut.png 1,166 × 522; 97 KB
- DovetailMarkingPins.png 1,042 × 472; 79 KB
- DovetailSawingPins.png 1,016 × 359; 89 KB
- DovetailSawingTails.png 1,103 × 400; 85 KB
- DovetailScribingTails.png 1,025 × 390; 77 KB
- DowelCentreMarkers.png 504 × 274; 31 KB
- DowelJointCentreMarking.png 473 × 500; 41 KB
- DowelJointMarkingOut.png 580 × 450; 165 KB
- DowelJointPanelPins.png 394 × 585; 31 KB
- DowelJoints.png 1,568 × 314; 105 KB
- DowellingJigs.png 281 × 199; 19 KB
- Dowels.png 584 × 421; 33 KB
- DowelWideningJoint.png 801 × 503; 316 KB
- FingerJoints.png 1,663 × 326; 108 KB
- HalvingJoint.png 545 × 288; 121 KB
- HalvingJointChisellingWaste.png 758 × 308; 169 KB
- HalvingJointConfigurations.png 1,678 × 500; 153 KB
- HalvingJointMarkingOut.png 1,491 × 342; 68 KB
- HalvingJointRouterUse.png 500 × 300; 30 KB
- HalvingJointSawingCheek.png 1,578 × 399; 102 KB
- HalvingJointSawingShoulders.png 950 × 321; 50 KB
- HalvingJointVariations.png 633 × 500; 73 KB
- HookedScarfJoint.png 951 × 260; 117 KB
- HousingJoint.png 468 × 331; 77 KB
- HousingJointMarkingOut.png 906 × 438; 60 KB
- HousingJointRouter.png 526 × 428; 87 KB
- KeyedMitres.png 1,817 × 445; 140 KB
- KeyedScarfJoints.png 948 × 284; 45 KB
- LapDovetailCuttingPins.png 1,174 × 531; 93 KB
- Loose Tongue2.png 846 × 520; 341 KB
- MatchedBoarding.png 735 × 322; 221 KB
- MitreClosingRebateGroove.png 1,102 × 272; 67 KB
- MitreJoint.png 209 × 344; 55 KB
- MortiseTenon.png 561 × 501; 214 KB
- MortiseTenonMarkingOut.png 1,611 × 707; 106 KB
- MortiseTenonRouterUse.png 730 × 490; 174 KB
- MortiseTenonSawingShoulders.png 833 × 360; 190 KB
- NibbedScarfJoint.png 821 × 219; 90 KB
- PlainScarfJoint.png 759 × 314; 121 KB
- RailTenons.png 535 × 446; 113 KB
- RebatedCorner2.png 312 × 299; 22 KB
- ReinforcedScarfJoints.png 673 × 171; 19 KB
- RubbedGluing.png 488 × 450; 194 KB
- RubbedJointResting.png 508 × 539; 351 KB
- ScarfJoints.png 1,828 × 288; 95 KB
- ScribedJoint.png 609 × 438; 152 KB
- SecretDovetails.png 1,042 × 405; 103 KB
- ShipLap.png 656 × 257; 156 KB
- SlopingShoulderHaunched.png 344 × 437; 83 KB
- T&GJoints.png 885 × 447; 302 KB
- TaperedFingerScarf.png 1,158 × 513; 240 KB
- TaperedFingerWidening.png 530 × 340; 142 KB
- TenonParing.png 565 × 388; 206 KB
- TenonSawingHaunch.png 671 × 425; 147 KB
- TuskTenon.png 524 × 402; 100 KB
- TwinStub.png 444 × 506; 135 KB
- WedgedTenon.png 532 × 439; 122 KB
- WideningJointSlotScrewedCramping.png 564 × 423; 112 KB
- WideningJointSlotScrewedScrews.png 715 × 378; 196 KB
- WideningJointSlotScrewedSlots.png 857 × 362; 165 KB
- WideningJointTesting.png 671 × 406; 66 KB