Clamps and Cramps
From DT Online
Holding workpieces together whilst it is glued, worked on or machined, is a common need and there are many different tools for the job.
Gluing small pieces of card or wood together might need only the use of weights, elastic bands, paper clips, Bulldog Clips or clothes pegs, but larger work may need the equipment shown above.
These include (from left to right and top to bottom above) : G Cramp, F Clamp or Bar Clamp, Quick-Grip Clamp, Mitre or Corner Cramp, Hand Vice, Toolmakers Clamps, Vice-Grip or Mole Wrench, Edging Cramp, Cramp Heads, Spring Clamp, Handscrew, Sash Cramp.
In addition, there are other more specialised cramps and clamps, such as Picture Framing Clamps or Band Clamps also available.