Folding Game Board
From DT Online
Game Boards can be made to fold in two by hinging it down the centre so that both it and any accompanying Playing Pieces can be fitted into a Storage Box for convenience.
Method of Manufacture
Card Game Boards can be stiffened using Stripwood Technology techniques as shown.
- Cut lengths of Stripwood to make two frames : each one equal to half the size of Game Board,
- Apply card triangle Gussets to the joints down one side but replace them with a continuous card strip down the side to be hinged (this will provide support for the adhesive tape applied later),
- On the other side of the frames, apply the card Game Board,
- Bring the two halves together face-to-face and wrap around the hinged side with strong fabric Adhesive Tape to create a 'hinge',
- Open up the folded Game Board and play the game!