
Furniture, Fittings and Equipment

From DT Online

Each Learning Space will need fitting out to suit the range of work to take place there and also provide opportunities for flexibility. The specification for what each space should contain is listed in Area Data Sheets.

Area Data Sheets are used to identify the requirements when fitting out Learning Spaces. The requirements should indicate what is needed for the activities to be accommodated, rather than just a list of items.

For each space listed, designers will also have to think about:

  • environmental requirements such as: heating, ventilation, acoustics and lighting
  • services required such as: electricity, gas, water
  • IT requirements
  • decoration and surface finishes

See opposite for an extract from an Area Data Sheet used for a workshop space. Note the use of codes to identify the different types of Furniture, Fittings and Equipment (FFE)


  • TW - Teacher Workspace (e.g. desk, table or demonstration bench - some with IT and/or other services)
  • PW - Pupil Workspace (e.g. desk, table or workbench - some with IT and/or other services)
  • OW - Other Workspace (e.g. Technicians, Office Staff)
  • ST - Storage (e.g. self-standing, mobile or wall-mounted)
  • DS - Display (e.g. portable or fixed)
  • MS - Miscellaneous (e.g. service pods, recycling)

. . . and also commonly used are:

  • FF - Fixed Furniture
  • LF - Loose Furniture
  • FE - Fixed Equipment
  • LE - Loose Equipment

The full Area Data Sheet for this real school example can be accessed HERE.