From DT Online
This section comprises a glossary of the technical terms used throughout DT Online.
The meaning each of term is described and, where relevant, formulae are given to show how their values can be calculated.
Pages in category "Terminology"
The following 98 pages are in this category, out of 98 total.
Media in category "Terminology"
The following 81 files are in this category, out of 81 total.
- 4concurrent.png 1,093 × 487; 210 KB
- 51I6q9E6PlL. SL1000 .png 858 × 493; 244 KB
- BakersPercentage.png 600 × 50; 8 KB
- BeamDeflectionRadius.png 946 × 1,142; 136 KB
- BeamEquilibrium.png 500 × 190; 15 KB
- Bending Moment Diagram.png 700 × 593; 113 KB
- BendingEquation.png 429 × 218; 12 KB
- BentBeam.png 1,247 × 492; 215 KB
- BoltedPlates.png 800 × 283; 83 KB
- Bsi logo.png 195 × 119; 6 KB
- ButtTeePockets.png 617 × 403; 181 KB
- Cantilever.png 1,016 × 868; 199 KB
- CantileverBM.png 526 × 260; 37 KB
- CantileverUDL.png 982 × 900; 236 KB
- ChordTheorem.jpg 1,594 × 1,172; 144 KB
- CloseCoupleBowsNotation.png 355 × 360; 8 KB
- CompressionArrow.png 114 × 21; 4 KB
- CorbusiersModulor.png 691 × 789; 114 KB
- Counterboring.png 332 × 615; 105 KB
- Countersinking.png 446 × 520; 120 KB
- DeflectionCalc.png 1,408 × 252; 54 KB
- DensityFormula.png 250 × 53; 3 KB
- DistributedLoadEquation.png 1,210 × 199; 53 KB
- Dowel.png 610 × 472; 191 KB
- DowelCentres.png 679 × 374; 42 KB
- DrillingScrewPockets.png 461 × 565; 187 KB
- EulersBucklingEquation.png 1,316 × 224; 42 KB
- FibonacciArm.png 1,115 × 492; 55 KB
- FindingNorth.png 688 × 374; 27 KB
- FrameBowsNotation.png 202 × 303; 24 KB
- FrameEquilibrium.png 479 × 305; 21 KB
- Glossary.png 411 × 341; 77 KB
- GoldenRectangleExp.png 1,172 × 341; 8 KB
- HammerEgg.png 789 × 367; 209 KB
- HeadOfInvention.png 1,000 × 1,010; 1.85 MB
- Kerf.jpg 386 × 499; 24 KB
- KnifeCut.png 1,324 × 654; 246 KB
- Latitude2.png 550 × 363; 25 KB
- LoadArrow.png 73 × 64; 6 KB
- MarkingSquareLine.png 500 × 601; 40 KB
- MeasuringTorque.png 926 × 454; 204 KB
- MechanismsMechanicalAdvantage.jpg 300 × 265; 11 KB
- MechanismsVelocityRatio.jpg 300 × 189; 10 KB
- MIsections.jpg 895 × 1,178; 187 KB
- ModulorGrid.png 1,151 × 597; 17 KB
- NaturalSpirals.png 1,114 × 541; 238 KB
- OhmsLawTriangle.jpg 253 × 219; 12 KB
- ParallelogramForces.png 883 × 559; 136 KB
- ParingWaste.png 685 × 457; 156 KB
- Peeled.png 581 × 376; 181 KB
- PhiPentagon.png 546 × 558; 22 KB
- Polygon(Bows).png 988 × 475; 143 KB
- PolygonForces.png 908 × 480; 125 KB
- Reactions.png 584 × 303; 33 KB
- Resultant.png 604 × 389; 97 KB
- RiftCut.png 709 × 586; 115 KB
- SawCut.png 398 × 333; 53 KB
- SeeSawEquilibrium.png 485 × 202; 15 KB
- ShortGrain2.png 577 × 281; 118 KB
- ShortGrainReinforcement2.png 500 × 182; 80 KB
- SIbaseunits.png 500 × 500; 17 KB
- SimplySupportedBeam.png 500 × 190; 15 KB
- SpongeNeutralAxis.png 521 × 366; 140 KB
- SpongeNeutralAxis2.png 497 × 366; 125 KB
- SpotFacing.png 500 × 536; 39 KB
- StressConcentration2.png 1,632 × 832; 495 KB
- StressConcentrationEquation.jpg 1,738 × 216; 61 KB
- StressStrainGraph1.png 1,001 × 727; 295 KB
- StressStrainGraph2.png 905 × 714; 143 KB
- StructuralMember.png 584 × 303; 32 KB
- Strut.png 584 × 303; 34 KB
- TeethPerInch.jpg 267 × 405; 15 KB
- TensionArrow.png 114 × 19; 4 KB
- Tie.png 584 × 303; 33 KB
- TorsionRSJ.png 500 × 419; 67 KB
- TransistorGainCalc.png 512 × 177; 5 KB
- TriangleForces.png 716 × 456; 105 KB
- TrigCalcs.jpg 870 × 580; 121 KB
- UK Wind Map.gif 344 × 365; 26 KB
- VerticalParing.png 398 × 355; 86 KB
- WattTriangle.jpg 253 × 219; 12 KB