From DT Online
This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
Pages in category "Secondary"
The following 192 pages are in this category, out of 192 total.
- Calipers
- Camera Obscura
- Capacitor
- Carpenters Vice
- Cast Aluminium Plaquette
- Centre Lathe
- Chain and Sprocket
- Chop Saw
- Circles
- Circular Saw
- Clamps and Cramps
- Class 1 Lever
- Class 2 Lever
- Class 3 Lever
- Class of Lever
- CNC Engraving
- CNC Router
- Compound Lever
- Cone Pulley
- Conic Sections
- Conics
- Coping Saw
- Corner Cramp
- Craft Knife
- Craftsmanspace
- Crank and Slider
- Crosscut Saw
- Cutting Mat
- Cycloid
- Cylindrical Cam
- Packaging Features
- Paper and Card
- Paper Trimmer
- Parabola
- Parallel Motion Linkage
- Pens and Pencils
- Piercing Saw
- Piezo Transducer
- Pneumatic Components and Symbols
- Pneumatic Control Valves
- Pneumatic Cylinder
- Pneumatic Logic
- Pneumatics Flow Control
- Polygons
- Portable Sanders
- Power Shear and Nibbler
- Precision Marking and Measuring
- Precision Mitre Saw
- Push-Pull Linkage
Media in category "Secondary"
The following 121 files are in this category, out of 121 total.
- Abrasives.jpg 500 × 455; 28 KB
- AngleGrinderAttachments.jpg 500 × 352; 21 KB
- AngleMilling.jpg 500 × 575; 29 KB
- AnglePlate.png 500 × 399; 37 KB
- BarClamps.jpg 531 × 330; 14 KB
- BenchSander.jpg 500 × 500; 28 KB
- BevelGauges.png 375 × 329; 21 KB
- BuildersSquares.png 491 × 426; 15 KB
- Burin.jpg 552 × 530; 26 KB
- CentreSquares.png 756 × 506; 66 KB
- ChopSaws.jpg 949 × 941; 65 KB
- ChordTheorem.jpg 1,594 × 1,172; 144 KB
- Circular Saw.jpg 445 × 445; 17 KB
- ClarkeHotWireCutter.jpg 1,172 × 894; 64 KB
- ClarkeStripHeater.jpg 500 × 252; 14 KB
- ClimbMilling.jpg 500 × 658; 33 KB
- ClothTape.png 318 × 176; 13 KB
- CNCengraver.jpg 288 × 300; 40 KB
- CNCengravers.jpg 1,259 × 297; 41 KB
- CNClathe.jpg 135 × 150; 21 KB
- CNCrouter.jpg 720 × 720; 96 KB
- CombinationSquare.png 434 × 272; 30 KB
- ConeNet.png 964 × 1,789; 66 KB
- ConicsProperties.png 728 × 626; 31 KB
- CornerCramps.jpg 948 × 579; 53 KB
- CraftKnivesGroup.jpg 963 × 245; 22 KB
- CrampsClampsGroup.jpg 800 × 255; 28 KB
- CuttingDovetails.jpg 500 × 395; 21 KB
- CuttingMat.jpg 472 × 394; 18 KB
- CuttingTenons.jpg 504 × 856; 48 KB
- DecoratorsFoldingRule.png 444 × 266; 31 KB
- DeskRuler.png 756 × 417; 61 KB
- DialGauge.png 300 × 300; 43 KB
- DialTestIndicator.png 320 × 583; 132 KB
- DiscSander.jpg 500 × 500; 21 KB
- DoubleSquare.PNG 438 × 285; 109 KB
- EmeryCloth.jpg 908 × 839; 77 KB
- EndMilling.jpg 500 × 491; 17 KB
- EndMillingKeyway.jpg 500 × 636; 20 KB
- EngineersTrySquare.png 569 × 524; 23 KB
- FaceMilling.jpg 500 × 430; 18 KB
- Files.jpg 800 × 156; 17 KB
- FrameSaws.jpg 788 × 154; 15 KB
- FrameSquare.png 660 × 438; 28 KB
- G Cramps.jpg 601 × 452; 24 KB
- Glasspaper.jpg 942 × 927; 86 KB
- GraphicAir.jpg 200 × 133; 25 KB
- Hacksaws.jpg 1,510 × 505; 41 KB
- Hand tools makita belt sander.png 300 × 261; 82 KB
- Handscrew.jpg 524 × 356; 12 KB
- HandVice.jpg 275 × 324; 11 KB
- HandVices.jpg 1,241 × 330; 32 KB
- HorizontalMillingMachine.jpg 500 × 621; 45 KB
- Jig Saw.jpg 304 × 310; 12 KB
- Kerf.jpg 386 × 499; 24 KB
- LaserMeasurer.png 500 × 896; 83 KB
- LatheLabels.jpg 800 × 558; 49 KB
- Machine Vice.jpg 500 × 277; 14 KB
- MachineHacksaw.jpg 500 × 512; 24 KB
- MetalVices.jpg 587 × 431; 23 KB
- MillingCutters.jpg 862 × 175; 20 KB
- MillingDovetailSlide.jpg 500 × 584; 23 KB
- MillingMachines.jpg 861 × 654; 71 KB
- MillingTeeSlot.jpg 500 × 365; 18 KB
- MillingWoodruffKeyway.jpg 500 × 519; 22 KB
- MitreBlocks.jpg 922 × 524; 43 KB
- MitreSaw.jpg 500 × 525; 32 KB
- MitreSquare.png 394 × 155; 15 KB
- NormanFosterModellingWorkshop.jpg 500 × 307; 28 KB
- OddLegsCentreFinding.jpg 573 × 961; 36 KB
- OddlegsCentring.jpg 264 × 216; 6 KB
- OhmsLawTriangle.jpg 253 × 219; 12 KB
- PaperGrain.png 500 × 239; 39 KB
- PaperSizes.jpg 800 × 569; 24 KB
- PaperTrimmer.jpg 1,000 × 624; 34 KB
- Piercing Saw.jpg 500 × 546; 26 KB
- PillarDrillDrumSander.jpg 787 × 860; 59 KB
- PowerShearNibbler.jpg 500 × 543; 25 KB
- PrecisionMitreSaw.png 478 × 394; 199 KB
- RadialArmSaw.jpg 500 × 525; 21 KB
- RipsawSharpening2.jpg 494 × 758; 43 KB
- SafetyRuler.PNG 635 × 146; 89 KB
- Sanders.jpg 1,565 × 428; 52 KB
- ScaleRules.png 537 × 334; 38 KB
- ScissorsGroup.jpg 1,517 × 539; 58 KB
- ScribingBlock.png 214 × 500; 10 KB
- Scroll Saw.jpg 358 × 292; 16 KB
- ShearsGuillotines.jpg 1,296 × 511; 59 KB
- SideFaceMilling.jpg 500 × 640; 32 KB
- SlabMilling.jpg 500 × 648; 33 KB
- SlittingSaw.jpg 500 × 560; 24 KB
- SpringClamp.jpg 295 × 202; 7 KB
- SteelRule.png 500 × 120; 15 KB
- StressConcentration.jpg 1,632 × 832; 207 KB
- StressConcentrationEquation.jpg 1,738 × 216; 61 KB
- SurfacePlate.png 500 × 242; 17 KB
- TeethPerInch.jpg 267 × 405; 15 KB
- TinsnipsGroup2.jpg 1,007 × 225; 21 KB
- TransistorTypes.png 1,000 × 421; 23 KB
- TrigCalcs.jpg 870 × 580; 121 KB
- TrySquaresTrans.png 500 × 359; 32 KB
- UsingBenchHooks.jpg 638 × 576; 28 KB
- UsingBowsaw.jpg 537 × 690; 43 KB
- UsingCopingSaw.jpg 500 × 422; 22 KB
- UsingFretSaw.jpg 500 × 323; 15 KB
- UsingGCramps.jpg 500 × 430; 26 KB
- UsingHacksaw.jpg 522 × 610; 43 KB
- UsingPiercingSaw.jpg 706 × 526; 37 KB
- UsingSashCramps3.jpg 539 × 520; 35 KB
- UsingSurfacePlate.png 475 × 286; 27 KB
- UsingToolmakersClamp.jpg 527 × 771; 22 KB
- V Board.jpg 714 × 616; 35 KB
- VeeBlocksandClamp.png 224 × 172; 10 KB
- VerticalMillingMachine.jpg 500 × 500; 27 KB
- VMC.gif 233 × 248; 20 KB
- WattTriangle.jpg 253 × 219; 12 KB
- WetDryPaper.jpg 500 × 622; 23 KB
- WindingSticks.png 500 × 269; 18 KB
- WoodVices.jpg 500 × 500; 28 KB
- Xarax.jpg 91 × 60; 1 KB
- XcutSharpening.jpg 582 × 787; 45 KB